Kebs Road, Todmorden OL14 8SB


Opening hours

8am to 1pm and

4pm to 6pm

Call 01706 815321 or 07780 525484


Our kennels

We have two types of kennels, Standard and Luxury with day care or overnight boarding.

Standard Kennels

These kennels have inside sleeping areas, with outside (undercover) runs. The run can be accessible throughout the day via a dog hatch.
The hatches are closed at night for warmth and comfort and are heated, ensuring that your dog is comfortable during its stay with us.
No matter what the weather is outside, come rain or snow, your dog will
be warm and dry.

Luxury Kennels

The luxury kennels are much more spacious, and indoor. They have a
sleeping area and an exercise area. The exercise area can be used day and night by a ‘dog hatch’.

They are equipped with beds, bedding, toys, televisions and webcams. Guests in our luxury kennels are exercised a minimum of 3 times a day. This includes ‘free run’ in the outdoor secure play area and moorland walks throughout their stay.

General Information

If you wish to provide your pets own food, we can accommodate this.


We can administor medication that your dog may have been prescribed.  This should be in its original packaging and clearly labelled.  If your dog requires medication out of our working hours, this would be an additional cost.


To board with us all dogs should be up to date with their annual boosters. Proof of vaccinations is required for every stay.


All our guests are provided with enrichments to allow them mental and physical stimulation and ALL dogs are exercised at least twice daily.

Sunnyview Kennels and Cattery internal kennel photo
Sunnyview Kennels and Cattery gallery
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Sunnyview kennels and cattery dog-running
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Sunnyview Kennels Todmorden
Sunnyview Kennels and Cattery gallery
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Sunnyview Kennels and Cattery gallery
Sunnyview Kennels and Cattery gallery