Kebs Road, Todmorden OL14 8SB


Opening hours 8am to 1pm and 4pm to 6pm

Call 01706 815321

or 07780 525484


Our cattery

At Sunnyview we have a new purpose-built cattery building.

To keep our cats in good health we ensure a safe, clean and comfortable environment as well as a balanced and nutritious diet, and loving human companionship.

We provide scratching posts for all our guests. This provides a safe, convenient and healthy outlet for exercising their natural inclination to scratch. We also provide sleeping pods, hammocks and toys to assist in keeping our guests entertained and exercised throughout their stay with us.

Small pets

We also look after small animals other than dogs and cats, such as pet rabbits, ferrets and Guinea pigs.


To board with us all cats should be up to date with their annual boosters. Proof of vaccinations is required for every stay.

Sunnyview Cattery Todmorden
Sunnyview Todmorden Cattery
Sunnyview Cattery Todmorden Cat 3
Sunnyview Cattery
Sunnyview Cattery Todmorden Cat 2
Sunnyview Cattery Todmorden Cat 1
Sunnyview Cattery